AWS Well-Architected Framework Reviews

The underlying principles of service engineering and delivery of the Akkodis AWS Practice trace their origins back to the start of the Well-Architected concept, deep within AWS.

The Well-Architected Framework has been at the core of the Akkodis consulting approach to clients for nearly a decade (since 2014), and has resulted in client workloads that have been secure, reliable and fault-tolerant, scalable, performed efficiently, maintained with continual improvement, and cost effective: the underlying traits of the Well-Architected framework.

We have even seen these approaches, coupled with our involvement with national government cybersecurity agencies, lead to having our government clients recognised for sustained excellence in cybersecurity in 2020.

Our Akkodis AWS Cloud Best Practice approaches (our internal tenets of operation) have ensured Akkodis has exceeded client requirements wherever possible on these pillars of the Well-Architected framework.

Some will remember the massive storms that hit Sydney in 2016. Swimming pools and buildings were washed away into the ocean, and one Availability Zone of the AWS Sydney Region went offline for a short period. Many clients were affected by this outage, mostly through the architectures and implementation choices they had made.

Akkodis AWS clients were not impacted in this way. Our Well-Architected engineering ensured that failover was automatic and timely; systems that had to failover did so without human intervention, and the impact was measured in seconds, not hours or days.

Available to you

As an AWS Well-Architected Partner, Akkodis is excited to offer the deep technical and operational insights we have to our clients, by way of conducting Well-Architected Reviews of your workloads.

The Akkodis AWS Practice has some of the most experienced staff in the region, and our team are qualified (by AWS) to perform Well-Architected Reviews of your AWS cloud deployments to help you achieve the same as we do for our existing clients.

Contact us to discuss how our advanced team can help your IT teams reduce cost and risk, increase operational efficiency, reliability and performance. This is even more critical if it has been some time since you deployed a workload or previously have a Review performed more than two years ago – the AWS Cloud does not stand still, and the opportunity to optimize grows over time.

Why do a Well-Architected Framework Review

There are several reasons to do a engage us for a review:

  • Mergers & Acquisitions: your organization inherits existing applications, and you want to know what the level of technical debt is in the cloud configuration
  • Pre-launch: you’re about to go live with a new critical applicaiton, and you’d like a fresh set of eyes to confirm you’re ready
  • Bill Shock: you recieved a bill that was higher than expected for a given workload, and would like to know what to do to optimise this
  • Security Incident: you’d rather get your security new privately rather than on the front page of the New York Times tomorrow morning
  • Annually: best practice changes over time, especially as the cloud capability itself continually improves, and you’d like to have some measure of rate of improvement from year to year (or indeed, every 3 or 6 months)
  • Existing Service Team validation: check that your existing team or service provider is adequately maintaining your application and AWS cloud environment

How it works

  1. Pre-work: the client sends background information on the workload to the Akkodis review team
  2. Engagement: the client to dedicate a senior/lead engineers to work with our review team
  3. Post-engagement: Akkodis team writes up their findings and recommendations.
  4. Follow up: you remediate the workload, or engage a partner to do so for you (we would be happy to help as well!)

You’re then armed with knowledge of what has been uncovered as much as possible.

A Well-Architected Framework Review lets you borrow the world-leading expertise that is the Akkodis AWS Solution Architects to check your cloud environment, with no long-term committment.

Engage Akkodis

Talk to us today about the data requirements you have.

Contact Akkodis to find out more